Saturday 3 March 2012

Blogs I LOVE

I know I have a page above which lists all my favorite blogs but I don't think people look at that very often. Anyway I always find new blogs which I love but forget to add them to my list so I think every so often I will do a Blogs I love post. Anyway my top 3 at the moment are......

HANDBAGS FASHION RAGS - The blog is a mix of fashion and beauty with a range of high end and drugstore brands. Her blog is a really great read and although I only found her blog a few days ago I have read through all the posts as they are so good.

Bamboozle beauty blog - Jemma has a great blog which is mainly beauty and skincare but has some fashion posts as well. I love her clear skin series which tells you about a range of different products to help with acne. I have been reading this blog for absolutely ages!

Dainty Dollymix - This is one of the first blogs I followed. Sinead does amazing reviews which are very thorough and after reading her reviews I have actually gone out to buy products. 

Check these blogs out if you don't already because i'm sure you will love them as much as me

Megan xx

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