Monday, 2 January 2012

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone....

Its time again to make new year resolutions, so here are mine........

1. Blog more - I love blogging but always end up having to do something else (schoolwork). Now I have my new camera, I have scheduled a few posts for the upcoming weeks as I have 3 exams in January. After that though I will be posting all the time.

2. Drink more water - I have already started this and can already see a difference. I didn't really used to drink very much at all maybe 2 drinks a day. For the past week though I have been drinking about 8 glasses of water a day and can see such a difference in my skin and I feel more awake all the time.

3. Exercise more - I have found some really good exercise apps and have already tried a few and really enjoy doing them. I am still aching from doing ab workouts 2 days ago.

4. Use up all the products I have before buying more - I have honestly got far too much stuff. About 30 shower gels, 12 body moisturisers, 6 cleansers, 7 facial moisturisers etc...

5. Stop leaving schoolwork till the last minute - I am really bad for this, I should be revising for my exams but I always find something else to do.

If you have made New Year's resolutions I would love to see what they are.

Megan xx


  1. I think you have some great ones, I have the drink more water one every year ;) Good luck!

  2. Couldn't agree more with all of them!
    Although number 5 I've broken already! Mocks tomorrow but still on Twitter! :L

    ~Hannah xx
